UFG Humbly Reports 2020

Happy New Year, 2020 Shook the Earth… So much so that WE CANCEL Ourselves and are Burning the Brand in Protest of corruption Here. – see the story. We love you! Our Mission continues! UFG’s Report humbly 2020 BY THE NUMBERS: -We thankfully kept 100% of our employees and subcontractors fully em....
We Cancel Ourselves and Burn the Brand in Protest

TODAY WE CANCEL OURSELVES TODAY in PROTEST, our BRAND “The Urban Farming Guys” officially CANCELS Facebook FOREVER for Crimes Against Humanity, for Manipulating the People toward Division and WAR with algorithms feeding 2 OPPOSITE narratives and pitting the people against one another. FB FOR e....
How’s it Going? Covid-19

People are asking how are we doing? That makes us smile, because that’s what we want to ask you! HOW are you doing? We love hearing of all the brave, creative, and ingenious ways people are coming together to adapt to this crisis. ADAPTING UFG was made for times like these, but we have [&he....
2019 Year in Review

2019 was fantastic, including 6 houses saved, Greenhouse aquaponics build out & Job skills training happening at UFG. 10 year crime stats in! Summer Internship We’ve had a fantastic team of 10 interns this year helping make things happen 5 days a week, from schools & cities across the globe. We part....

How to Build a solar powered IBC tote Aquaponics System CHEAP and EASY! BLOG: http://TheUrbanFarmingGuys.com Facebook: http://facebook.com/UrbanFarmingGuys Transcription of: Solar Powered Aquaponics YouTube video… by: The Urban Farming Guys Bonk! That’s how goats love each other! Give him a bonk. ....
UFG Goes to INDIA Aquaponics

The Urban Farming Guys go to extreme east India to establish an aquaponic fish farming project at an Orphanage in Imphal. See what Happens. Share it! Come join the conversation on Facebook : http://on.fb.me/theUFGs and the Blog at http://TheUrbanFarmingGuys.com....
How to grow Shiitake Mushrooms

How to grow Shitake Mushrooms BLOG: http://TheUrbanFarmingGuys.com Facebook: http://facebook.com/UrbanFarmingGuys Transcription of: How To Grow Shitake Mushrooms..by The Urban Farming Guys So, here we are with my friend, Jason Golden, at the Golden Acre Urban Farm. Tell us what we are doing, Jason. Today, we ....
Methane Biodigester – How To

transcription of “Methane Biodigester – How To” video..by The Urban Farming Guys.. Today, we’re gonna bring you into the world of bio-gas digestion. The whole idea is to create methane, just like you do in your stomach; as you’re churning up your food, one of the bi-products is m....