How’s it Going? Covid-19
People are asking how are we doing? That makes us smile, because that’s what we want to ask you!
HOW are you doing?
We love hearing of all the brave, creative, and ingenious ways people are coming together to adapt to this crisis.
UFG was made for times like these, but we have been affected. It hasn’t been easy. Pre-crisis, we were sustaining month to month on our business income streams. Losing restaurant and agritourism customers in the Spring has taken away ⅔ of our income. NO SWEAT!
We cut non essential operations and shifted our small staff to essential farming and Aid operations. We have been busy. Gotta keep planting, and keep going. People Have to Eat! This has been a great time to pivot our operations and cut all expenses toward the Single Goal of Food Security, and Neighborhood Resilience.
Pre C-19, we were selling our produce to restaurants to create FOOD SECURITY JOBS. This month, we shifted greenhouse operations to grow thousands of plant starts for people to grow Victory Gardens in their own yards. Free Seed Kits available to Lykins neighbors and we are donating $30k of Organic Garden Fertilizer to Kansas City Residents, one 15 pound bag at a time. Our local growers will sell thousands of garden starter plants to the general public. As the world gets back to some of the basics this year, connecting again with our own food. Going Local. Backyard Local.
Hot food and excess lettuce growing in our Greenhouse has become a bridge to connect with neighbors during the crisis. Donors have dropped off supplies and BlackSheep Community Kitchen is donating hot meals for UFG to distribute to Lykins Neighborhood. We go door to door once a week with hot food and supplies to connect with neighbors and check on who may be in need, from a distance with protective gear. Checking in with folks, and keeping lines of communication strong in a vulnerable neighborhood with uncertain times ahead. KC just extended the Stay at Home order to May 15 so we are still in it.
We hope this is just a temporary blip in history, but we are preparing for difficulties that may lay ahead. With or without budgets, We remain. Neighbors. Catalysts. Where others would be forced to just shut down. Creativity abounds! Grow where you are planted.
UFG can be as big or as small as needed. 0-100 staff or volunteer. IF the USA had a Jobs Program we could easily put 30 people to work today, and in 3 months, we could put 100 to work during hard times. We did a very successful pilot last year with 50% immediate hires after 8 weeks.
Or if Kansas City Foundations were to get involved with UFG, we could finally hire a dedicated program manager for the Makerspace and expand educational programs 10x for urban youth, we can even name the building after you! But IF times get any worse, and programs go completely unfunded, we can just be farmers. We are already serving as volunteer coaches and mentors. If food crashes and we cannot afford to be farmers, we can still be neighbors with bountiful gardens, volunteering to help the neighborhood rebuild.
And if things get Really Good we can get back to making some more youtube videos again! YES!
We will be just fine. Here to serve. We have million dollar minds and hearts. We are farmers… we are sons and daughters …we will be ok. Our daily bread has always been there through countless hard times. We hope the same for you. Hang in there. We are all in this together.
The Urban Farming Guys
UFG Mission is to help disadvantaged communities rebuild from within.
#LocalFoodSecurity #LocalResilience #LocalCapacity #LocalEconomy #Farmeggedon